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Dear allI'm using STM32G070KBT in my product, as it has 4 UARTs.I want to use the 4 UARTs in asynchronous mode, no HW control, UARTs 1 and 2 use RX/TX, while UARTs 3 and 4 use only RX.When defining all those UARTs in STM32CubeMx, I've some warnings t...
Posted on July 10, 2014 at 14:39Hi AllI'm using an STM32L151 in my project.I have one GPIO configured as an input, and I need to change the direction dynamically. What is the most efficient way to do this ?Each time I want to change direction, shoul...
Posted on December 04, 2013 at 11:08Dear allI have developed a USB MIDI device product based on STM32L151.Now I would like to make this product working with Apple MFi protocol.I was wondering if I could find somewhere some inputs about MFi source co...
Posted on March 06, 2013 at 15:00Dear AllI'm using IAR EWARM to compile my bootloader and application.I'm developing on STM32L151 64K version.My bootloader is located in pages 0-63, sectors 0-3, I would like to protect this area against flash write,...
Posted on July 25, 2011 at 17:04Hi AllAs far as I know, the DFU (device firmware update) is specified by the USB org.I was wondering why ST provides a specific driver for DFU since the DFU class exists and no driver should be required if the descrip...
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