Dear UlfS,1. We check RXWNE flag with SPI_WaitFlagStateUntilTimeout() to verify that there is no more data in RX FIFO, otherwise it woud mean that the transfer is not completed. 2. Sorry I don't understand your point, could you reformulate your quest...
Hi @Robert7The behavior you observed in STM32CubeMon UCPD is normal since the ADC measurement in BSP of B-U585I-IOT02A is not implemented. Indeed you can find in b_u585i_iot02a_usbpd_pwr.c file that API BSP_USBPD_PWR_VBUSGetCurrent doesn't compute th...
Hello RomThi,You can find an example of a sink low power at this link X-CUBE-TCPP - USB Type-C software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics.the application SNK1M1_Sink_LPM inside that expansion illustrates a sink consuming less than 700µA.Ho...
Hello Ey,Unfortunately EPR voltages below 26V are not supported either since software don't handle it. To detect EPR voltages, STM32G071RB-DISCO must ask for EPR source capabilities which it doesn't. Thus, you won't be able to detect EPR voltages.Br,...