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Posted on December 23, 2014 at 07:28hi. i am working with stm32f207zg ang KSZ8051RNL in RMII i used the web server example with the lwip on it and change the phy register accordingly and tested it i am getting alot of error in packages i test it wit...
Posted on August 08, 2011 at 10:13hi.  i would like to start anew project with stm32f207 with lcd. i know that the stm32f207 can controll lcd throw FSMC bus my question is whats the maximum size of lcd i can use and how do find whitch LCD monitors i...
Posted on June 27, 2011 at 08:32hi. i am tring to activate 3 chanel as ''6-step PWM generation'' with Dead time and afourth channel as stady 50% duty cycle . for some reason when i activate the Fourth Channel it disraps the other three. why? here is...
Posted on June 16, 2011 at 14:48hi. i am using the STM32f103 chip and i am having all sord of problem that takes me to the Hard Fault inturpt . when i check the SCB->CFSR register i am getting all sord of errors like : ''the processor has attempted ...
Posted on June 03, 2011 at 08:20hi. i am having hardfault problem and i would like to find the location. how can i read the CPU registers and send the throw the uart port? CPU->PC and etc. does not work. and is there any way to know the hardfualt re...