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Hi All,we are evaluating the possibilty to use a BiSS-C encoder in our project. First time using BiSS-C.From the BiSS-C standard it seems to me that BiSS-C can be implemented at STM32 level by mean of an SPI peripheral connected to an Rs422 transceiv...
Hi guys,I'm using an stm32f427 interfaced with an external SDRAM by mean of FMC controller.The controller is configured with SDRAM clock period = 2 x HCLK periods and to support burst read (RBURST bit = 1).It's not clear to me how to set the RPIPE pa...
Posted on October 11, 2017 at 13:27Hi guys,I'm using an STM32F446 micro-controller with USB CDC stack configured as VCP.Each time that i connect a device the operating system (Win 7) assign a new COM port number to the connected device.I know it's a...