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Hello.We want use a Stepper X-NUCLEO-IHM14A1 with STSPIN820. We need to drive the STCK signal on the PB3 or PB10 GPIO. because we need some RAM and a CAN BUS, we choosed the STM32F446 (nucleo 64 board).Each step will have different time, so we want t...
I want use the CAN on a STM32F103.I note some difference between HAL documentation I have, and the HAL driver.The documentation is UM1850 rev 20 (april 2017).I don't know the version of the HAL driver, it's in STM32CubeIDE 1.0.2for example, in docume...
Hello. In order to drive a stepper motor with CanBus, I want driver a L6208. I would use a timer to generate Npulses. I've read AN4776 (General-purpose timer cookbook ) but I don't understand somethink, I can't run the timer.Any people have example c...
FileVault can't open check the application : " is damaged and can't be open. You should placed it in garbage" (translated from french, don't sure all the world in english MacOS).Mac OS 10.14.5.I've the admin right and I can install, i...
Posted on September 16, 2016 at 23:34Hello. This is my 1st post here. I'm trying to use a NUCLEO F103RB to make my own electronic application. I'm an electronician, not really a programmer. I've installed Eclipse OpenSTM (Mac OS X version), and I ca...