2015-09-09 10:26 PM
I've been trying to blink an led using an overflow interrupt with timer 4 on the sm8l discovery board. So far I haven't made it work. I'm currently using IAR Embedded Workbench with the Std library for stm8l. I need help. here's what I'm trying to do: here's the main.c#include ''stm8l15x.h''
void timer4_init(void){
CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_Peripheral_TIM4, ENABLE);
TIM4_TimeBaseInit(TIM4_Prescaler_8, 100);
TIM4_ITConfig(TIM4_IT_Update, ENABLE);
int main(void) {
GPIO_Init(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_7, GPIO_Mode_Out_PP_High_Fast);
and the interrupt handler is in the stm8l15x_it.c, I've also included in this file the stm8l15x.h header file.
/* In order to detect unexpected events during development,
it is recommended to set a breakpoint on the following instruction.
GPIO_ToggleBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_7);
What am I doing wrong?
thanks in advance
#timer #interrupts #stm8l
2015-09-10 2:28 AM
Hi Joseph,
You might need: TIM4_EGR = 0x1; /* Force prescaler update */ And you will need: TIM4_CR1 |= 0x1; /* Enable counter */ Hope that helps, Ian