2014-05-27 3:36 PM
We use STVP (v3.3.1) for programming parts. I'm in the process of adding the Serial Number, using that feature in STVP.
But we have a number of stations, and so each has unique identifying information. For example, I want to put the following string in EEPROM if from station 1 at site 2: ''0102xxxx'' where xxxx is the serial number generated by STVP. For station 2, at site 2: ''0202xxxx'' where XXXX is a similarly generated independent serial number - the station number and/or location number makes it unique. So the problem is: is there a command line interface or script method of getting station and location specific information into STVP for programming to an EEROM location??? If so, how do I do this?2014-05-28 5:39 AM
Serial Number feature is only available in ''Project mode'' in STVP. You can set the address where it will be programmed (0x1000 for STM8L Data) then the size in bytes (4 for exemple). Then, you can set the base hex value different for each station on which the STVP project will run. (0101xxxx or 0102xxxx). Then, the increment to apply after each prog on this base value. Then use the ''Program all tabs'' button or menu to program all the hex files in the project and the SN. You can see in the data memory tab that the SN is incremented automatically. You can do a different project on each station specifying all the config (tool, device,...), ''Program memory'' hex file and just the different serial number base. If you want to do a script to change the 0102 base value, what you could do is to modify the projet stp file ''project.stp'' where you will find the base value in decimal. It is a text file so it is easy to modify or mess with it so be careful. The file is saved with the last value programmed. Or you can do as you said by programming the station and site info first and program the SN just after. You will need to generate a DATA hex file for each station and site and add it to the project. Other options are available for production like ''prompt for a new programming cycle''. Also the option ''activate secure programming on next project loading'' will leave only the ''Program all tabs'' button available and all other will be greyed out. For cmd line, there is STVP_CmdLine.exe installed with STVP that can take the EEPROM Data file as argument but you would need to create each hex file with your special SN inside before programming. Rgds, Laurent2014-05-28 1:20 PM
Thanks for the quick response. I have used the serial number feature of STVP, and it works well for that specific data via the STVP ''Program | All Tabs''.
I've looked at the command line help. My STVP v3.3.1 shows STVP-CmdLine.exe version 1.6, but it doesn't list support for serial numbering. At least there is no command documented for it, or for the ''clear memory before loading'' (which is not the same as erasing) and several other parameters that are in the project.stp file. Is there a newer version of the command line tool? My goal for this manufacturing use is to have the EEROM station and location information loaded, then have the STVP serial number process do it's thing since I can't seem to get both at one time. I'll set up a hex file for the Data Memory (EEPROM) storage, and hope that the serial number functions run after loading the hex file so that I can accomplish all my needs in one step. It does mean a unique data memory hex file and STP file for each station and location, but that is acceptable. Thanks again, Mike Stevens2014-06-02 2:23 AM
No, there is no Serial Number feature in STVP_CmdLine tool. All is done in the GUI in STVP. The ''stp'' file is the project file for STVP, it doesn't work with STVP_CmdLine tool. Rgds,Laurent