2020-08-20 1:45 AM
I have a problem when I start writing the first page of the program.
I am running at 115200 8 data bit, 1 stop, no parity.
I am running in ECHO mode, meaning I return all bytes from the bootloader.
I have send the SYNC byte, at power up, and getting an ACK back ( which is being ECHO'ed back to bootloader)
Command is set (and its inverted ), and I am getting an ACK back (which is ECHO'ed back to bootloader)
Page is send (0x00008000) and the checksum.. The bootloader sends an ACK back (and I ECHO this back too).
Now when I send the page (N-1, [N bytes], checksum) I do not get anything.
I have tried sending more bytes (if the first byte was not interpreted correctly), changed baudrate, tried EVEN parity, etc..., but everything just gets me here..
I have tried sending an illegal command (inverted incorrect), and then I get a NAK as expected.
Can anyone point me in the correct direction?
2020-08-25 5:04 AM
Further information
If I change the address of the page to write to internal memory (0x00 or 0x80), I get the expected acknowledge back, but if the page is EEprom (0x4000) or Flash (0x8000) not response from STM8S is returned.
2020-08-27 4:25 AM
I missed uploading the binary image for erase and write, as stated in UM560 paragraph 3.8.1
Doing that prior to writing to flash, solved the isseus