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STM8AF6213PDU TIM5 and ADC1 library problem

I am using STM8AF6213 MCU in my project. I am using PD6 (AIN6) pin to read analog value. I use PD4 (TIM5_CH1) to generate PWM. But the stm8_adc1.h and stm8_tim5.h libraries that I included in my project do not work properly. It does not see the funct...

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OOzde.2 by Associate
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What does the STM8 TIM3_BKRConfig() function do?

As a newbie I'm struggling to understand the following line of code:TIM3_BKRConfig(TIM3_OSSIState_Enable,TIM3_LockLevel_1,TIM3_BreakState_Enable,TIM3_BreakPolarity_High,TIM3_AutomaticOutput_Enable);Introductory material that I've found on timers/PWM ...

STM*S-discovery with st8ms105c6t6 mcu -- I am going nuts

I have an asm program written in ST Visual develop. Using stvd, and updloading to a STMS103f3, it runs fine. Change the target in ST v develop and build it and upload to the discovery bd thru it's st-link, it doesn't run. Checking the register add...

JTann.1 by Associate II
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STM8S005K6 Bootloader no responding at data

HiI have a problem when I start writing the first page of the program.I am running at 115200 8 data bit, 1 stop, no parity.I am running in ECHO mode, meaning I return all bytes from the bootloader.I have send the SYNC byte, at power up, and getting a...

HMoel.1 by Associate II
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Please help me reverse engineer these buttons...

Hi,I am trying to figure out how a set of buttons interfaces with the microprocessor - an STM8S 003K3T6C ([url=]datasheet[/url])I am familiar with simple button config - you pull GPIOs high or lo...

Rjohn.1 by Associate II
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Can assembly code running on stm8s-dicovery board?

I have tested my stm8s-discovery board for 2 days. The MCU is stm8s105c6t6, the Hex format file produced in c language on the IAR EW platform, could run as expected when uploaded into the board, but the final file from assembly language, both in Hex ...

MQi.1 by Senior II
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