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STM8S SPI: how to use it in 3-wire (bidirectional data) mode?

Associate II


I want to connect STM8S003 & ADXL345 (accelerometer) using SPI 3wire mode (lines ~CS, SCK & MOSI as single bidirectional data line).

According to 'RM0016 Reference manual STM8S...', the register SPI_CR2 of STM8S has BDM (Bidirectional data mode enable) & BDOE bits (Input/Output enable in bidirectional mode).

I expected to use these bits to control SPI 3 wire connection:

SPI_CR2 =   <BDM=1 | BDOE=1 | SSI=1 | SSM=1 (Master)>   - to set STM8 MOSI as output

SPI_CR2 =   <BDM=1 | BDOE=0 | SSI=1 | SSM=1 (Master)>   - to set STM8 MOSI as input

To exclude possible questions:

1. ADXL345+ATmega8 was tested in 4wire & 3wire modes, all is OK.

2. ADXL345+STM8S003 in 4wire mode works OK. For 3wire mode I've only disconnected line MISO in hardware.

I also can control SPI_CR2 state, chnging it before SPI operations and write the processess using oscilloscope.


STM8S transmits 0x80 | 0x2C = 0xAC to ADXL345 then it tries to read the answer.

0x80 - read the state of the Register 0x2C of ADXL345.


When SPI_CR2 =   <BDM=0 | BDOE=0 | SSI=1 | SSM=1 (Master)> (4wire mode), oscilloscope shows correct data transmitting (0xAC). As the MISO line is absent, there is not receiving data (see Osc1.jpg).

When SPI_CR2 =   <BDM=1 | BDOE=1 | SSI=1 | SSM=1 (Master)> (3wire mode), oscilloscope shows incorrect data transmitting: 0x80. (see Osc2.jpg)


how correctly use BDM & BDOE bits to organize SPI 3wire mode?


where one can find an example for SPI 3wire mode?

Examples for SPI 4wire mode are not interesting.



#define MISO            7       //all for PORTC
#define MOSI            6
#define SCK             5

//SPI_CR2 bits
#define BDM             7
#define BDOE            6

//SPI_SR bits
#define RXNE            1
#define TXE             2

//~CS pin
#define selectSPI_Device        PC_ODR_bit.ODR4=0
#define unselectSPI_Device      PC_ODR_bit.ODR4=1

void iniSPI()
//  CLK_PCKENR1 |=0x02;   //Clock to SPI enabled -in CLK.h
/** SCK preset to 1 **/
  PC_DDR_bit.DDR5 = 1;  //output
  PC_CR1_bit.C15 = 1;   //push-pull for output
  PC_CR2_bit.C25 = 1;   //if output, speed up to 10MHz
//  PC_ODR_bit.ODR5=0;    //SCK=0 - as SPI mode 0 is selected
  PC_ODR_bit.ODR5=1;    //SCK=1 - as SPI mode 0 is selected
/** CS preset to 1 **/
  PC_DDR_bit.DDR4 = 1;  //output 
  PC_CR1_bit.C14 = 1;   //push-pull for output
  PC_CR2_bit.C24 = 1;   //if output, speed up to 10MHz
  unselectSPI_Device;  //PC4=1
  SPI_CR1=(1<<6)|(5<<3)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(1<<0); //SPI enabled | baudrate F/64 | Master configuration | CPOL=1| CPHA=1
  SPI_CR2=(1<<7)|(1<<6)|(1<<1)|(1<<0);  //1<<7: SPI 3wire (BiDirection mode); 1<<6 MOSI as output; 1<<1: NSS pin is not used for SLAVE-MASTER mode, it is selected by 1<<0: Master mode

unsigned char rdSPI(unsigned char d)
  while((SPI_SR & RXNE)==0);       //while buffer is empty
  unsigned char res=SPI_DR;	

void wrSPI(unsigned char d)
  SPI_DR = d;            
  while((SPI_SR & TXE)==0);       //while buffer is not empty


#define D_out SPI_CR2 |=  (1 << BDOE);  //SPI_CR2 |=(1<<6);      //MOSI as Output
#define D_in  SPI_CR2 &= ~(1 << BDOE);  //SPI_CR2 &=~(1<<6);     //MOSI as Input

void DelaySmall()

void iniADXL()
  selectSPI_Device;     //FullRes, LeftJust, Range16g(200g)
  wrSPI(0x40 | 0x08 | 0x04 | 0x03);       // SPI 3wire | FullResolution | LeftJustify | Range 16/200g (ADXL345/375)

void getRg2C()
  wrSPI(0x2c | 0x80); //Rg0x2C | 0x80 (read state of single Rg 0x2c)
  T[0]=rdSPI(0xFF);   //0xE5 -ID of ADXL345 & ADXL375  

void main()
//Here UART, TIMERS, CLK, ... are initialized
// If UART command is discovered, it'll be exec:
// cmd set STM8S' Rg SPI_SR2 <byte to set>
// cmd getRg2C()



Accepted Solutions
Associate II

AA1, thanks for answer,

but such sequence is not a problem.

Support service proposed solution:

unsigned char rdSPI(unsigned char d)
//  while((SPI_SR & RXNE)==0);       //while buffer is empty

This check  waits the end of receiving and works correctly.

The previous one stopped the process on the first receiving bit; as it correctly worked in 4-wire mode, I used it in 3-wire mode too.

View solution in original post

Senior III

RM0016 page 273: In this mode, the procedure is similar to the Transmit-only procedure except that the BDM and BDOE bits must both be set in the SPI_CR2 register before enabling the SPI.

But you are setting these bits after enable SPI. Also for SPI mode 0, SCK idle level is 0.


Associate II

AA1, thanks for answer,

but such sequence is not a problem.

Support service proposed solution:

unsigned char rdSPI(unsigned char d)
//  while((SPI_SR & RXNE)==0);       //while buffer is empty

This check  waits the end of receiving and works correctly.

The previous one stopped the process on the first receiving bit; as it correctly worked in 4-wire mode, I used it in 3-wire mode too.