2022-10-07 11:40 AM
2022-10-07 2:47 PM
Suppose it depends on where you're "starting" from and the skill set you bring with you?
Learn to code in C?
Use the example projects in the STM8 SPL ?
2022-10-09 5:56 AM
I would even vote for removing the code degeneration from STM32CubeMX also...
2022-10-09 12:04 PM
I am using arduino for very long time, Arduino IDE and Language is very easy as compared to the STM. I want to use STM8S001 but i am not be able to write code more than the LED BLINK. please recommend any useful links
2022-10-09 12:08 PM
I think you don't want anyone to use STM microcontrollers, The initial settings of the stm microcontroller is very difficult ( like Clock configuration , GPIO enable etc )
2022-10-17 7:51 PM
Hi rhame.1, using STM8 and STM32 devices requires
1) the C-programming language, which is a very popular programming language for embedded systems, and
2) studying the architecture of the STM device you are planning to use.
For your first STM project I recommend to download the C-library for your specific device. For example, for a STM8S processor you would use the STM8S Standard Peripheral Library (SPL), which can be downloaded HERE. The SPL includes a reference manual and also many helpful code examples that demonstrate how to initialize the device and then run the application algorithm. I suggest that you buy the NUCLEO development board for your specific processor to get started.
Good luck!
2022-10-22 5:50 AM
You have 2 ways ahead of yourself.
prior to these 2 aforementioned points, you definitely need to fully understand stm8 reference manual and its structure
after that, I really recommend you to go over example projects provided by st.com
ALSO, I found these tutorials extremely helpful
Have a go and good luck!