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STDV Problem

Reza Kheirol
Posted on May 12, 2018 at 15:28

Hi everyone. I am working with STDV development tool. When I want to build the program, the message 'the executable can not be found' appear. How can I modify the settings to solve this problem??

ST Employee
Posted on May 14, 2018 at 09:26


Which C compiler you would like to use in your project?

May I ask you to pass me a screenshot from your settings of the project, please (please click left button on mouse over the project name and select Settings, then please select General tab)?

First thing which I would check is whether the toolset paths are set correctly (compiler, linker).

Thank you in advance,

Best Regards,


Associate II

STVP=St visual programmer, STVD=St visual Develop, NOW STDV=??? i want to debug stm8 series MCu. what software i need?

Use STVD. STVD already have STVP. You should start with a development board and it already have ST-Link.


COSMIC compiler working fine. compiled wwithout error, then build no issue, then burn by stVP help of cloned stlink-v2 usb type ,no issue programe run at MCU. but when i go to debug in STVD it says communication error 30006. have a look screen shot. if stlink cloned i am using swim pin working when programe uploading, but debuging mode not working. taken screen shot from logic analyzer, if you would like to deep dive.

RST and SWIM pin timing diagram when debug mode.

Associate II

if yiu are using cosmic compiler then set project specifif toolset path(you will find project->setting->project setting  C:\Programe Files(x86)\COSMIC\FSE_Compilers\CXSTM8

Compiler COSMIC. please confirm that if i use stm32 based dev board then inbuilt stlink v2 is usefull to dubug  core board of stm8S or STM8A series ?