2010-03-03 12:11 AM
hi all,
apparently the ST-Link requires admin rights to allow program/debug. Specifically I observed that I can only program the STM8 ''Discovery Kit'' from my admin account, not the one with restricted access. Is this intended? PS: I run Windows XP SP3 with STCD v4.1.4 Thanks in advance, Georg2010-03-04 01:33 AM
I've got the same issue. There's a convenient workaround possible (at least for me): edit the desktop shortcut to the toos to use runas /savecred Just add ''runas /savecred /user:admin_accout to the Target, e.g.: C:\WINDOWS\system32\runas.exe /savecred /user:admin_account C:\Programme\STMicroelectronics\st_toolset\stvp\stvp.exe2010-03-06 10:33 AM
I had the same problem. I solved it in Windows 7 by edit the properties of C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\st_toolset\stvd\stvdebug.exe.
Change to tap compatibility and enable run as admin.2010-03-15 04:29 PM
sorry for the late reply, I was on a business trip and had forgotten my discovery board...
I will need to check your tipp at work, where I have the problems. However, I suspect that the (very) restricted access rights on my office PC prohibit the use of ''runas''. I'll report tomorrow...
2010-03-16 11:50 PM
hi again,
as expected, the access restrictions prevent using ''runas'' on my office PC. My workaround is using an external RLink instead of the built-in ST-Link. At home I use the ST-Link. Not a nice solution but it works for me. Anyway, thanks a lot for your feedback! Regards, Georg