2010-06-01 3:45 AM
2011-05-17 6:08 AM
Sorry, the original message was posted with another acount (system bug). Actually it's me who wrtote this message.
2011-05-17 6:09 AM
In a small device like the STM8 an OS is not something you install, it is often a binary library or source code that you have to include in your project. Application and OS form a single binary image that is then loaded on the device.
BTW, there are more than the two RTOS you mentioned, the one in my signature as example :) and also others. Giovanni --- ChibiOS/RT http://chibios.sourceforge.net2011-05-17 6:09 AM
OK ! Thanks for your fast answer !
I'll try to use Chibios, and I'll post here the results I'll obtain. best regards, Phil2011-05-17 6:09 AM
Hi Phil,
If you are using one of the Cosmic or IAR compilers, you may also be interested in Atomthreads (a free RTOS which I have ported to STM8): http://athomthreads.com
Best regards,
2011-05-17 6:09 AM
Hi Kelvin,
Thank You for your answer, I'll also try your OS, but jut one question: will You port your kernel to the STM32 plateform ? If yes, it could be very interesting for my team and me. Best regards, Phil2011-05-17 6:09 AM
Hi Phil,
Yes, I have an STM3210 eval board here in preparation for the STM32 port. We are planning a generic Cortex M3 port with a minor driver layer to handle different M3 devices such as the STM32.
2011-05-17 6:09 AM
is a free (under BSD license) open source cooperative RTOS for STM8 microcontrollers (also PIC and AVR). Support compilers for STM8:2012-05-07 2:17 AM
Hi Kelvin,
Have you got any example using your RTOS with IAR tool? I try to using this RTOS for stm8l151. Thanks and best regards Thinh