2020-07-24 9:26 AM
I've encountered a strange progressive bug on ST Visual Develop where the IDE gets progressively wonky as I run the debug to program my STM8S001J boards. First the icons start to look shifted and weird, then windows start disappearing and reappearing, the debug time takes longer and longer to upload, and eventually it stops working altogether where I have to ctrl+alt+delete to exit.
The bugs are permanent in the sense that rebooting the software does not reset the IDE bugs, however the bug seems to be isolated to the specific Workspace, meaning when I open a different Workspace, the bugs are not exhibited.
The debug/programmer hardware being used is an ST-Link/V2
Compiler is Cosmic.
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program, even deleting the program file/folder.
I've searched this forum but I've not seen any similar issues being discussed. I'm kind of stumped.
2021-03-04 12:49 PM
I wonder if you ever found an answer. I am also experiencing this problem.
I think I can keep it at bay if I only save the workspace before the bug shows up, and never save it after it does. Then close and re open the workspace when I notice it happening.
2021-03-04 12:57 PM
This thread helped me: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009Xkb6pSAB/stvd-problems-under-windows-7