2011-06-17 6:53 AM
I am a project engineer. I use ST7,STM8 as microcontroller in my projects. And i use COSMIC as a complier. And i use STVD and STVP. I had not any problem while ? was using these programs under Win XP. But ? have a lot of problem related STVD and STVP( My O.S : Win7 Professional and Home Prem.) 1. I loss menu bar when i open worksapce or when pass from normal mode to debug mode. And other sembols fail. And ? loss my worksapce...And similar problems. 2. STVD is working ver very very slowwww....Especially, at time pass from normal mode to debug mode... 3. In debug mode, ? can not put breakpoint on valid line !!! I take a fail message! 4. In debug mode; program counter drool.Therefore i can not follow my source code. Some valid lines are skiped by debugger. Please help me... I need your comments and solves... My projects stoped related this problem TUNA #stvd #cosmic #stvp #win-7 #menu-bar #crash2011-06-17 10:10 AM
We've seen issues with Win7-Pro too. Our solution is to install the XP-Virtual machine which is available fro microsoft at no charge I believe. Install STVD, STVP and COSMIC in the XP-Virtual machine. Works well for us (So far).
jdf2012-04-10 4:44 AM
I have exactly the same problems using Windows 7 Enterprise. Installing STVD on a virtual WinXP Machine doesn't work for me as the COSMIC compiler doesn't allow the Dongle license running in a virtual machine.
Reinstall doesn't fix the problem. Does anybody have a solution yet? Isn't there more people with this problem??2012-04-16 3:40 PM
My ST7 (DVP3) emulator won't work at all on Windows 7 and I have seen similar problems with STM8 dev on Win 7.
You will wait forever for a fix from ST. I eventually took matters into my own hands and made my new PC dual boot WIN 7 / Win XP - problem solved.2012-04-18 7:05 AM
I finally received an Answer from support for the strange behaviour of STVD (missing menu, missing workspace, etc...)
this issue is linked with the graphical library we are using in STVD, which sometimes
fails in re-positioning user-configurable items (toolbars, windows, menus …), when switching workspaces (or switching from edit mode to debug mode and conversely). It was already present in old versions of STVD; unfortunately updating the library did not solve the issue. I only have a workaround for exiting this bad state, and some recommendations for reducing the risk entering it again: 1. after the issue, quit STVD and remove *.wdb and *.wed files. There should be one pair of files with the project name root, and one pair of files with the ''default'' root. [for information, wed file contains the user settings in edition mode: list of opened files, position of toolbars and windows, …; wdb file contains quite same information but in debug mode]. They will be created again by STVD. 2. afterwards, when opening an existing workspace for the first time, go to: ''Tools-Options-Toolbars'' and click ''Reset All''. Repeat the operation after having started debug (the first time will affect the wed file, the second one the wdb file). As much as possible, if using different workspaces, keep the same toolbar list in all of them (don't forget the ''default'' one, which is the one used when no workspace is loaded) => the idea is to make the easiest as possible the toolbar re-positioning 3. once a stable state has been reached on all used workspaces in all edit/debug modes, the problem should not occur. But unfortunately as long as 1 corrupted workspace is opened, it may transmit the issue on all workspaces opened in the same STVD session …2012-04-23 4:03 AM
I have the same issues.
Virtual XP mode uses terminal services (remote desktop) to connect to it. Therefore a potential licensing issue for Cosmic where somebody could install a compiler on a server and have multiple clients use it. I have also noticed that the compiler freezes if you have a VPN connection enabled under Windows 7. Martin.2017-01-03 6:37 AM
Somehow this is still a problem with Windows 7, 64bit...
It doesn't appear to affect Windows 7 32bit.
5 and half years later this is still not fixed?
When pressing the 'debug' button, the File Menu disappears and the Menu item check box gets unchecked. Also the compiler runs very slow, running more slowly each time you recompile.
That makes it really difficult to use the microcontroller.
When will this bug be addressed?
Does it still affect Windows 8 or 10?
Cosmic likely will have licensing problems with a virtualbox setup.
2017-01-09 7:02 AM
Cosmic works fine in VirtualBox. I am using it with W7 64 bit. The only thing what it checks is the MAC address of the NIC.