2018-04-17 7:47 AM
I got the STEVAL-ISA164V1 board from Digikey.
I need to program STNRG388A controller with ST-Link v2 using SWIM interface.
I have tried ST Visual Programmer with the whole list of STM8 controllers one by one, but ST-Link is unable to recognize the connected device.
Please tell me, how can i upload firmware(.hex) file in STNRG388A. I need to upload default firmware in the board
Any help would be really appreciated.
#steval-isa164v1 #programmer #st-linkv2 #stnrg388a2018-04-17 11:58 PM
well, I am facing the same issue......
I have
STEVAL-ILL077V1 ..its not connecting, and the green led is not blinking on the motherboard... I tried to program it through SWIM using
ST-Link v2, but did not get any luck...