2018-04-01 10:02 AM
I downloaded the selector tool, but there is no indication of which micros support an external crystal. I am interested in knowing if any of the valueline parts support an external crystal. Ideally, the 8-pin device would support it for my application. Does anyone know which devices support an external crystal?
2018-04-03 2:02 AM
Hello Richard,
Using of STM8CubeMX is an easy solution how you can check if device supports an external crystal.
If you are particularly interested in STM8S Value Line MCUs, then in MCU selector please shrink the list of devices by applying the filter like on picure below:
Once you select the device by double-clinking on it, you can check external crystal support by opening RCC item and by checking if there is an option named HSE: Crystal/Ceramic Resonator. With this approach you can see below that for example STM8S003F3Px supports external crystal.
Regarding your question: all STM8S Value Line devices support external crystal except 8-pin STM8S001J3, which has only one input for external clock.
I hope this information will be helpful to you.
2018-04-04 3:22 AM
Ideally, the 8-pin device would support it
there aren't that many 8-pin STM8S: 1 to my knowledge.
it is easier to go through its datasheet than getting cubemx installed on your computer.
2018-04-12 12:06 PM
'Ideally', 8-pin devices should have good internal oscillators in order to not consume valuable pins for external ones.
2018-04-13 9:25 AM
What's good is subjective.