2010-05-26 12:18 AM
jump to a function instead of call her
2011-05-17 06:08 AM
Ciao Spectre.
There is no difference between calling and jumping into a function (as long it's used for a software reset). The reason is obvious: that function will never return! EtaPhi2011-05-17 06:08 AM
Ciao EtaPhi,
yes,I agree with you,but what if the sw_reset fails ? :) thanks for the replies :) bye bye Spectre2011-05-17 06:08 AM
If the sw reset fail, there is the watchdog ditch...
Insert an infinite loop at the end of your function and wait watchdog reset. Thanks to the safety devices in STM8, this isn't either the last ditch. You can also insert an illegal opcode to force a sw reset. Ciao EtaPhi