2019-05-05 4:37 AM
2019-05-05 6:41 AM
Ok, and how do you think the cause can be determined with that level of detail?
2019-05-06 6:41 AM
i uses the spl from the st.com for stm8s-discuvery with the 7 pwm example for timer 1 .
after calling the function i can read in the debugger the next register value , it looks like ok i think but not working
this example set pwm in timer 1 2 3 4
2,4 works , 1 does'nt work.
TIM1->CCRE1 = 0x77
TIM1->CCMR1 = 0x70
TIM1->OISR = 0x5F
TIM1->CR1 = 0x01
TIM1->BKR = 0x80
in the main() file :
TIM1_TimeBaseInit(0, TIM1_COUNTERMODE_UP, 4095, 0);
in the tim1.c file
void TIM1_TimeBaseInit(uint16_t TIM1_Prescaler,
TIM1_CounterMode_TypeDef TIM1_CounterMode,
uint16_t TIM1_Period,
uint8_t TIM1_RepetitionCounter)
/* Check parameters */
/* Set the Autoreload value */
TIM1->ARRH = (uint8_t)(TIM1_Period >> 8);
TIM1->ARRL = (uint8_t)(TIM1_Period);
/* Set the Prescaler value */
TIM1->PSCRH = (uint8_t)(TIM1_Prescaler >> 8);
TIM1->PSCRL = (uint8_t)(TIM1_Prescaler);
/* Select the Counter Mode */
TIM1->CR1 = (uint8_t)((uint8_t)(TIM1->CR1 & (uint8_t)(~(TIM1_CR1_CMS | TIM1_CR1_DIR)))
| (uint8_t)(TIM1_CounterMode));
/* Set the Repetition Counter value */
TIM1->RCR = TIM1_RepetitionCounter;
void TIM1_OC1Init(TIM1_OCMode_TypeDef TIM1_OCMode,
TIM1_OutputState_TypeDef TIM1_OutputState,
TIM1_OutputNState_TypeDef TIM1_OutputNState,
uint16_t TIM1_Pulse,
TIM1_OCPolarity_TypeDef TIM1_OCPolarity,
TIM1_OCNPolarity_TypeDef TIM1_OCNPolarity,
TIM1_OCIdleState_TypeDef TIM1_OCIdleState,
TIM1_OCNIdleState_TypeDef TIM1_OCNIdleState)
/* Disable the Channel 1: Reset the CCE Bit, Set the Output State ,
the Output N State, the Output Polarity & the Output N Polarity*/
TIM1->CCER1 &= (uint8_t)(~( TIM1_CCER1_CC1E | TIM1_CCER1_CC1NE
/* Set the Output State & Set the Output N State & Set the Output Polarity &
Set the Output N Polarity */
TIM1->CCER1 |= (uint8_t)((uint8_t)((uint8_t)(TIM1_OutputState & TIM1_CCER1_CC1E)
| (uint8_t)(TIM1_OutputNState & TIM1_CCER1_CC1NE))
| (uint8_t)( (uint8_t)(TIM1_OCPolarity & TIM1_CCER1_CC1P)
| (uint8_t)(TIM1_OCNPolarity & TIM1_CCER1_CC1NP)));
/* Reset the Output Compare Bits & Set the Output Compare Mode */
TIM1->CCMR1 = (uint8_t)((uint8_t)(TIM1->CCMR1 & (uint8_t)(~TIM1_CCMR_OCM)) |
/* Reset the Output Idle state & the Output N Idle state bits */
TIM1->OISR &= (uint8_t)(~(TIM1_OISR_OIS1 | TIM1_OISR_OIS1N));
/* Set the Output Idle state & the Output N Idle state configuration */
TIM1->OISR |= (uint8_t)((uint8_t)( TIM1_OCIdleState & TIM1_OISR_OIS1 ) |
(uint8_t)( TIM1_OCNIdleState & TIM1_OISR_OIS1N ));
/* Set the Pulse value */
TIM1->CCR1H = (uint8_t)(TIM1_Pulse >> 8);
TIM1->CCR1L = (uint8_t)(TIM1_Pulse);