2010-04-21 04:34 PM
How to reset MCU through SWIM and command line
2011-05-17 06:08 AM
Thank you for your reply. The solution you offered worked fine and it is just what I wanted. Thanks again Regards, Sia Enayati2011-05-17 06:08 AM
You can use gdb7.exe to restart mcu after programming.
I use the following command line: gdb7.exe --quiet --command=restart_mcu.ini Content of restart_mcu.ini <-----------schnipp-------------> # # define emulator reset port and MCU # define emulator-reset-port-mcu target gdi -dll swim\stm_swim.dll -stlink3 -port $arg0 -mcuname $arg1 mcuname -set $arg1 end # # reset command and quit # emulator-reset-port-mcu usb://usb stm8s105c6 quit <-----------schnapp-------------> You have to replace the mcu type (here stm8s105c6) to the one you are using. Regards, Stefan