2018-08-14 4:07 AM
First of all I would like to apologized for asking this. As i am new to this environment and I know some of you feels annoyed for this.
I did aware of programming in Arduino. in my application I used Arduino but suddenly due to some technical limitations of Arduino, I have to switch from Arduino to STM. in my application I have mounted a PVDF Sensor on a cylindrical rod and this rod is rotated by 10° continuous upto 360° with stepper motor. As it is a Ultrasound detectable sensor so I transmit US waves from the other side of the rod. At every 10° rotation I want to read my sensor voltage value, which is in mV and MHz and store it in raw data. for ex. at first 10° it should be 250mV, then at 20° 275mV, at 30° 360mV and so on. In STM Developement board can i directly read my sensor value with this ? if yes then Which STM would be the best choice for that ? I mean it requires to use less component for post processing.
I welcome all of your valuable suggestions and Feedback. Thank you in advance
Best Regards
2018-08-14 7:34 AM
Personally, I prototyping the software, usually on 2 microcontrollers, on a controller with a small flash and with a large. But with identical peripherals. At the final, when the volume of programs will be known, you can choose a more saving option for production. But I think there are no recipes here.