2023-02-24 5:34 AM
2023-02-25 11:59 AM
Hi, Peeter,
Do you know if is there a Linux compiler, like sdcc, for the STM32C011F4?
2023-02-25 12:17 PM
You can use GNU/GCC arm_none_eabi for all the Cortex-M processors.
They use it with CubeIDE
2023-02-25 1:56 PM
Hi Tesla DeLorean,
I don't need and don't want to use an IDE, I am looking some thing simpler like SDCC.
I am now studying if I can use gcc arm_none_eabi without CubeIDE.
Thanks for your suggestions, they are helping me.
2023-02-25 2:08 PM
GNU/GCC is a command line compiler, you can drive it with make
2023-02-26 7:26 AM
hi Tesla DeLorean,
Just to let you know, my OS is Linux Slackware 15.0 and I wrote or adapted Arduino's libs to the STM8S103 for many sensors, displays and communications ports.
I've installed already the arm-none-eabi that I think is what I need to compile with GNU/GCC for the STM32C0 or STM32G0.
I have the ST-Link V2 and the stm8flash that I use to flash the STM8S103.
I think the STM32 ST-LINK Utility is for Windows OS.
Do you know a Linux software to flash the STM32C0 or STM32G0?
Thanks again.
2023-02-26 7:34 AM
I found this SW for flash the STM32 at https://github.com/stlink-org/stlink
Do you know it?
2023-02-26 7:54 AM
STM32 Cube Programmer is the primary ST-INK Software, other debug pods have other tools. Perhaps things like OpenOCD
I use Keil on Windows..and build some other things with GNU/GCC + MAKE.
2023-02-26 9:52 AM
As I could not find a small development board for the STM32C011 I ordered this one:
model STM32G030F6P6.
Arives only in April
When it arive I will post here what happened.
thank you for all yours informations.
2023-03-15 6:28 PM
The STM32G030F6P6 board arrived.
To programming it in bare metal way, is the same process I used for the STM8S with a little bit more registers to configure, not too bad.
To compile I am using:
To flash:
Very nice board, small sized with RTC that I need and not expensive.
Again, thanks everybody for all the sugestions.