2019-10-23 10:52 PM
I am new to STM8 controllers , I have finished a new project using STM8S003F3 and I am looking for a ISP programmer (flasher ) with standalone capability so the controller can be programmed on a manufacturing line till date I have been using ST-Link V2 for programing and testing the code , ST-link is too delicate for it to be used to program in mass production programming.
There are a lot of options on the st web site, But I am confused as to which one is good and reliable . Any one having experience in using this type of flashers and reliability data of any product and pointing me towards which one should I consider would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in Adavance.
2019-10-25 8:09 AM
The Cyclone LC and Cyclone FX products from PEmicro have the capability of mass production programming for the STM8S003F3 controller. The Cyclone products can be used standalone by creating a programming image that includes your project code and all necessary programming commands. These images can be programmed via command-line or by the press of a start button. They are designed to program within a couple seconds and to last for an unlimited amount of programming sequences.
Hope this information is helpful!
2019-10-28 6:36 AM
Thank you Steve. Your reply is very help and clears most of my Doubts .