IAR for STM8, FLASH_EraseBlock stuck in release mode
#define RAM_EXECUTION (1) configured with STM8AF52xxUse FLASH_EraseBlock in debug mode to erase normally.In release mode (medium or high optimization) use FLASH_EraseBlock to die.why?
#define RAM_EXECUTION (1) configured with STM8AF52xxUse FLASH_EraseBlock in debug mode to erase normally.In release mode (medium or high optimization) use FLASH_EraseBlock to die.why?
Hello everyone.SLCC generated a strange instruction similar to JRF, represented as .byte 0x21 pseudo-instruction. Can anyone explain what this is? A code snippet is provided in the attachment. The compiler options are as follows: -mstm8 --out-fmt-elf...
I request sample from estore, but when i get to the shipping page, no matter how i fill out anything, the cointue button cant work and cant pass to next page,so i gave up requesting sample ,so pls st send me free sample stm8s103k3t6, thanks.
Hi AllThe customer want to design STM8AF6223A for automotive application, it is have to pass ASIL B certification, but I had confirm ST website(as below hyperlink), the third party website has expired, how to get more detailed information?Thanks.ht...
Hello everyone, I have got a problem but I can't resolve it.I made a project read NMEA string from UART and show it to OLED 128x64 (I2C interface) with STM8s003F3P6. everything is OK when I tried to get GPS strings from UART and store them variable ,...
I am currently trying to put STM8 in sleep mode after 30 minutes if no activity is observed on I2C. I am able to use timer4 to get a delay in ms upto 1 secs but I am unable to get delay in minutes. Do I need to use RTC for this? If so can someone ...
HelloI am new to STM8 controllers , I have finished a new project using STM8S003F3 and I am looking for a ISP programmer (flasher ) with standalone capability so the controller can be programmed on a manufacturing line till date I have been using ST-...
Hello everyone,Is it possible to create Run-in-RAM code using SDCC? If possible then how to do this?Thanks in advance.
This bug is several years old and should really be fixed.In stm8s.h, the following line ...#if !defined HSE_Value... should (obviously!) be ...#if !defined HSE_VALUE... in order to allow HSE_VALUE to be defined on the command-line.I just found out th...