2018-10-15 5:34 AM
Hi All.
I have installed STVD version 4.3.12 on OS - WINDOWS 10 version 1803 with following details
STVD MainFrame Version - Build Aug 4 2017
stvabbld.dll, Version:
stv7abbld.dll, Version:
STVD_TxtEditor.dll, Version:
and received this error, but after referring en.CD00146550.pdf page no13 I followed following instructions
"On some systems, the DAO-3.5 objects, required by Swim and STice targets, are not correctly installed. As a result, this error is displayed: ‘[40201]: can't access configuration database’, when starting to debug on those targets. A first workaround consists in running with administrator privileges the package /stvd/dao/ST Toolset.msi (where is typically ‘C:/Program Files/STMicroelectronics/st_toolset’ on 32 bits systems and ‘C:/Program Files (x86)/STMicroelectronics/st_toolset’ on 64 bits systems). If the issue persists afterwards, run both following commands from a command prompt in administrator mode (example for 64-bit systems): – Regsvr32 /u ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO350.DLL’ – Regsvr32 ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\DAO350.DLL’ "
but I am getting the error C:\Program failed to load as attached in the screen shot
kindly provide technical assistance.
Thanks and Best Regards.
VK Verma
2019-12-19 11:56 PM
Did you resolve this problem?
2019-12-20 6:37 AM
Yes We resolved it. You can refer the release note pdf to further reference.
VK Verma
2019-12-23 9:29 PM
Thanks. the issue was cleared