Hello,I tried to program STM8S001J3 using STLinkv2 Debugger and ST Visual Programmer (STVP).As the STM8S001J3 MCU had no RESET pin, I left RESET pin of ST Linkv2 unconnected and just connected 3 lines of ST Linkv2 (VDD, GND, SWIM) with corresponding...
Can the ST-Link V3 SET program flash standalone (without PC)?As Flasher STM8 's standalone mode.(https://www.segger.com/products/production/flasher-st/models/flasher-stm8/)-----> https://www.st.com/ja/development-tools/stlink-v3set.html> The STLINK-V...
My application uses a STM8AF5288 as SPI slave with hardware Rx and Tx CRC calculator enabled.Despite the information available on the Ref Manuals, just writing '1' to CRCEN bit of SPI_CR2 seems to work only on SPI_RXCRCR.SPI_TXCRCR will not reset wit...
I would like to develop an application with the STM8L001J3M3 microcontroller.The UM2339 user manual for the Discovery Kit indicates that demonstration software is available at www.st.com/stm8-discovery web page. I cannot find any library or demonstr...
Hello, I use ST-LINK to set Option Bytes in uC ST8AF6246. IDE is IAR.I have a trouble with Option Bit HSITRIM (Old name 16MHZTRIM0). According to uC datasheet this bit allows oscillator trimming with 3 or 4 bit resolution (One bit for sign). ST-LINK ...
void main(void) { clock_setup(); GPIO_Config(); CLK->ICKCR |= 0x10;//SAHALT; //0.03ma CLK_HaltConfig(CLK_Halt_FastWakeup,ENABLE); FLASH_PowerWaitModeConfig(FLASH_Power_IDDQ); PWR_UltraLowPowerCmd(ENABLE); // no diff FLASH_PowerWaitModeConfi...
Hello, We had recently purchased ST-LINK/V2 Debugging and programming STM8 and STM32 microcontroller Tool and also installed ST Visual Programmer software in WINDOWS 7 PC. In our target board we are using STM8L101x3. we are not able to communicat...
Posted on May 12, 2015 at 15:57Hi,I had downloaded ''Cosmic STM8 32K Special Edition '' and had registered in: '' http://www.cosmic-software.com/download.php'' at bottom, i still didn't received the license file, what may be the problem?thanks for h...