2009-02-17 9:51 PM
Debug Error
2011-05-17 6:02 AM
I use Cosmic Compiler + Stvd for debug, Now I canot debug my source because my program counter fall into a unlimited loop in address 0x3e at Ram. I donot have this problem previousely. I donot know what is incorrect I know it must go to boot rom address but it donot. I use a 16k limited cosmic compiler vergen but my program doesnot exceed its limit. sometimes I see option byte error. I can Program with Ride software but I need stvd debug. I use Rlink dongle (Raisonance Programmer) I will be nice if you help me. best ,
Best Regards,2011-05-17 6:02 AM
which version of STVD You use, actually there is Pack16. make sure about the vactor table address that you use. Best Regards Bassinux2011-05-17 6:02 AM
Can you please try this configuration and keep me informed: - disable all optimizations ''disable for debugging -no'' - memory models: long stack(+modsl0) - start-up file: crtsi0.sm8 Regards mozra