2013-03-13 1:32 AM
This is referenced in various documents regarding the stm8l-discovery, but I cannot for the life of me find it for download anywhere.
2014-06-06 7:19 AM
I'm having the same problem. The User Manual on developing and debugging applications says starting a new project requires the template in that zip. Where is this zip?
2015-05-14 9:07 AM
Me too. Have either of you discovered its location, now? If so, please could you share that information. Thanks.
2015-05-18 4:32 AM
OK, folks - I've found a backup at
http://zx-files.perestoroniny.ru/datasheets/www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/SW_COMPONENT/FIRMWARE/stm8l-discovery_dev.zip I've also taken a full snapshot of the file (and other interesting-looking stuff around it) in case that site dies. If that has become the case, please contact me by replying here.2016-01-07 12:28 PM
Hi Tony,
The link you provided is broken. I've seen a few (older) references on this site with other broken links. Haven't had any luck finding 3rd party links to ''STM8S-Discovery_dev.zip''. I created a project without the ''template'' because I couldn't find it or current (apparently) standard peripheral libraries, and get numerous ''errors'' for missing '';'' & '')' characters, and ''old style argument declaration''. I can't tell if there is a setting somewhere that would alleviate these errors or if something else is wrong. It seems as though no one from ST monitors this forum, or at least does not provide current (not broken) links/solutions. Thanks, Sue