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I2C Read from Slave with Python

Hi,i use a stm8s003 and SPL for programming. I am not a profi programmer.My goal is measure an Analog signal with stm8s and reading this with Python command from a Raspberry Pi.Ok, i use STM example Program I2c slave. I can read some registers from s...

Hbal.1 by Associate
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What is the proper code for STM8S External Interrupt?

Being new to STM8 development, I'm having a problem getting the external interrupt to work. There are many bits and pieces of external interrupt code I've found on the internet, but I haven't found a definitive piece of code that works as expected. H...

JKain.1 by Associate
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communicate stm8s with mpu6050

Hello to all. I am completely new to stm8. I want to communicate stm8s003 with mpu6050 6-axis gyroscope and accelerometer sensor through i2c. Can anyone help me how to code it in st visual develop?Sorry for my bad English

oebra.1 by Associate
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