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Problem displaying numbers in 3 digits seven segment display interfaced with 74HC595 shift register? I am trying to send values from stm8s003f3 to display it in 3 digit seven segment display. I have interfaced Stm8s with 74hc595d for pin reduction.

The problem faced is that values send from controller is not displayed on 3 digit seven segment. I am attaching the program please tell me where i am doing wrong./* MAIN.C file *  * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 STMicroelectronics */#include "STM8s.h"void...

AMana.2 by Associate
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Debugger doesn't seem to be working

I have been following this tutorial: When he does the "run to cursor" it stops on the instruction and highlights the editor window. Mine the out...

JTann.1 by Associate II
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how to clear the pending external interrupt

@svlreg INTERRUPT_HANDLER(EXTI_PORTD_IRQHandler, 6){ /* In order to detect unexpected events during development,   it is recommended to set a breakpoint on the following instruction. */ if((SWITCH == RESET) && (flag == SET)) { OFF_STATUS = TRUE; fla...

Trinu by Associate III
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STM8AF5286 UART3/LINUART not sending data

My following code is not working for sending data over LINUART port of STM8AF5286. I am using STVD and STM8_Standard_Project_Template.GPIO_Init(GPIOD, GPIO_PIN_5, GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_HIGH_FAST);UART3_DeInit(); UART3_Init(9600,UART3_WORDLENGTH_8D,UART3_S...

PPate.1 by Associate II
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power draw when stopped STM8Lxxx

hi alli am first time user to ST micros. (8bit motorola mostly)I am looking at using stm8L132r8 in an ultra low power device, which needs 10year battery life.the micro will be stopped most of the time, woken by the RTC running from external 32khz xta...

dwood.1 by Associate
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BLDC Motor controller

I am new and novice can some one guide for using STM8Sxxx three-phase BLDC motor control software library V1.0. From the manual I am unable to build. Is there a tutorial or example on it. Looking for closed loop250W 36V Motor.

VSaha by Associate
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