I can't find any example programs for continuous mode. Well I found one but it doesn't even have a makefile to run it on my microcontroller.
I would like to use the STM8S005K6T6CTR in my next project. This is my first project outside of the arduino ecosystem, so sorry for bad questions(if any) .The MCU will be responsible for taking care of the following tasks:1) Driving a 4 digit 7 segm...
I don't think the user manual is good enough for someone starting with ST MCU's. I have no idea how use the different cables with which boards, etc. Could not find any howto's. I bought this to replace a ST Link v2.
Hi,I'm new with the STM8S003F3 MCU.There is push bottom that connected to PD6.How the interrupt should be define?I'm using IARthanks
I want to design low voltage detect functionality like if voltage goes to xx volts mcu should reset