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Forum Posts

Behavior of X/Y indexed addressing modes on the STM8

I'm trying to write an emulator for the STM8 MCU family. Most of the opcodes are implemented, but it's doing things I don't expect, and I think the problem lies in some of my addressing mode implementations. The following questions seem obvious, but ...

MCham.3 by Associate II
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UART Even Parity gives parity error

Hi,I'm using STM8S for UART half duplex communication (single wire). I'm using the standard library to set the UART up in 9600 baud rate, 8 data bit, even parity and 1 stop bit. I recieve data using interrupts. On the third byte, I get a parity error...

DDeba.1 by Associate III
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STM8CubeMx and IDE

I just started to working on STM8L162. I worked on STM32 SO, I searched the tool like STM32cube MX for STM8 and I got it. STM8CubeMX does not support the code generation yet. So , is there any other tool for STM8? From where I can download the driver...

AP_040 by Senior
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Back to STVD debug error issue

Developed an app using the S105C6 MPU on the Discovery board, all went Very Well.Had boards made for the product - can't communicate - getting 40201 can't access configuration database. Others have had this, but NO answer has been posted ! What is th...

Cosmic cxstm8 absolute assembly examples?

I code in absolute assembler (30+ yrs). I have an app that ran fine under STVD, then something broke in the toolchain that even a fresh install didn't fix, so I'm learning CXSTM8. At build, I'm getting a segment overlap error. Pretty sure it's not kn...

STM8A wakeup from HALT by CAN Rx interrupt not working

I am using STM8AF5286 controller and CAN port for external communication. My application need to be in HALT mode to prevent battery consumption and wakeup only when any activity is detected on CAN port. The application works fine with wfi() function ...

PPate.1 by Associate II
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STM8L Assembler in ST-Visual Develop IDE

Dear Forum Members,I am new in STM8 and I would like to familiar with this MCU series and use it.For starting, I would like to programming in assember. When I make a new project the IDE SW automatically generatesa basic code, but I do not understand ...

JHerm.2 by Associate II
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