2020-11-26 7:01 AM
Currently, I am working on STM8S103F3. I wanted to build custom bootloader for it as it doesn't have inbuilt bootloader. So I followed the procedure given in "AN2659" document which describes how to use example bootloader given by STmicroelectronics. Example program for boot loader is given for STM8s105xx so I changed parameters in /* USER BOOT CODE MEMORY PARAMETERS */ according to the STM8s103 in main.h file.
In STM8s.h file I uncommented the controller I am using
linker settings are done as given in AN2659 as following image
Above are the only changes done in bootloader code. Then I uploaded it to STM8S103 using STlink. You can file project file of bootloader and user code on this link
Now, user code that is made for LED blinking is as follows
linker setting for user code (LED blink) is as follows
Then I used flash loader demonstrator for uploading but it gives error as shown in following images
Please tell where I am going wrong .You can file project file of bootloader and user code on this link.