i tested it with below code and ieven change prescalers for lower and higher frequency , i also check it with external crystal (and change the code) but it remains in while(CLK_GetFlagStatus(CLK_FLAG_CCORDY) == FALSE);for ever . when i debug the cod...
Everything I'm seeing seems like it should be straightforward. But I have been through everything Google came up with and have tried as many pull up resistor values, configurations, and sequences as I could find and had no luck. Have tried STVD Light...
Hi =) I am using a STM8L151 but I am pretty sure this is the same for any STM8 with i2c.The register I2C_FREQR is described in:page 507 of the RM0031: https://www.st.com/resource/en/reference_manual/cd00218714-stm8l050j3-stm8l051f3-stm8l052c6-stm8l05...
hi,I am new to this stvd tool i want to use string comparison function can please any one help me thanks in advance
Hello Guys,I am using STM8L board and would like to learn how can I generate a PWM Signal at the output port with TIM2. How should I set the configuration?Thank you
Hello,I am new to ST processors. Here is the issue:I am trying to setup Timer 3 for interrupt, Code: TIM3_DeInit(); CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_PCKENR1_TIM3, ENABLE); TIM3_TimeBaseInit(TIM3_Prescaler_64, TIM3_CounterMode_Down, 2500); TIM3_Set...
i want bto use sprintf() in my application what libraries i have to use
Hello,I'm working on a project in which I want to generate some trigger output ( which is connected to a sound chip APR33A3). Hence, I'm using the controller STM8S003FS GPIOs to generate the trigger output. Unfortunately, for an unknown reason, some ...
i am adding stm8s.h header file and getting this error.i dont understand why i am getting this error.errors are...Compiling main.c...cxstm8 -i"..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\program files\stmicroelectronics\st_toolset\include" -i"..\..\..\data manual\stm8s...