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STM8 IC used in STM8A Discovery

Hi STM Team,Which STM8 IC is used in STM8A Discovery? Is it STM8AF5288TAX or STM8AF5288TAY ?Could you also let us know the difference between both the versions?Thanks.

H_H_11 by Associate II
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Incorrect example files are on the ST website for STEVAL-ISA164 STNRG388A digital controller eval board. If someone could create a simple example to fix missing Example 4 we would reward you for your time

I wasn't sure where to post this request for the STNRG digital control IC example files so I'm reposting in STM8 after getting no responses in Power Management or from technical support in a weekThere is a link to download 5 sample files for the STLU...

Hey guys, I want to controll motors via joystick. Unfortunately, when I connect joystick to my STM8S103F3 analogue pins it reads 800 in the middle position instead of 512.

As the result, the right side has very short run (it reaches 1023 in one sixth of travel). The same for Y axis, the same with another joystick. Both joysticks work properly with arduino - middle 520 (or so). Is there any (obvious) reason; how can I r...

RRozu.1 by Associate
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STM8S I2C master crashing on I2C_GenerateSTART(ENABLE);

I am trying to run example code for i2c master and slave, provided in Stm standard peripheral library from the master keeps crahing at I2C_GenerateSTART API call.I2C_ITConfig enableInterru...

SSaro.1 by Associate II
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