Resolved! How to decode QFN20 marking ?
Hello, there is posibility we mixed STM8L101F3 vs F3U. There is marking L1S3 on the top, but I can't find any information/table of these markings. Is is possible to have it ?
Hello, there is posibility we mixed STM8L101F3 vs F3U. There is marking L1S3 on the top, but I can't find any information/table of these markings. Is is possible to have it ?
Hello, I am using the Stm8s003f3p6 processor. I want to create 1 microsecond time on processor. I tried TIM1 and TIM4 peripherals for this. I gave the values of 2, 4 and 8 respectively as Presecaler values. Again, I gave 7, 3 and 1 values as periods,...
The right side of the source code displayed in ST Visual Develop is displayed in red.Does anyone know how to solve this?Also, is there any problem if it is displayed in red?I would appreciate it if anyone could tell me.
1. What happens if TIM2_ARR is 0xFFFF? Does overflow occur when timer counter counts past 0xFFFF?2. What happens to compare output after TIM2 overflows? For example, lets say that the TIM2_CCR1 = 0x7FFF so the output changes state when the counter co...
We are interfacing HSD to drive DC-Motor with STM8-MCU.We are expecting current sensing output at the Multi-sense pin of HSD.Selection of Channel is as per datasheet of VND7140AJTR.But, when Motor is ON, and Channel-0 is selected for CURRENT sense, w...
Hello everybody,In my project which uses STM8L151G6 MCU, I need 6 interrupt inputs on both rising/falling edge. In particular those pins are PB0, PB1, PB2, PD1, PD2, PD3.Please note I'm using "port interrupt mode", i.e. EXTIB_G_IRQHandler and EXTID_H...
ola alguem poderia me ajudar estou com dificuldades para instalar o st visual tentar instalar ele da falha catastrófica,ja troquei hd,memoria,processador,instalei todos sistemas oparacionais win7,8,8.1,10 e 11 atualizei drivers e coloque...