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Forum Posts

ST Visual Develop

Hello, everyone,I have a problem with ST Visual Develop, version 4.3.12 (See attachment 1)If I launch ST Visual Develop as administrator, I am not allowed to enter debug mode, but I get the message: "** Connection error (usb://usb): gdi-error [40201]...

STM8L151K6:COMP2...Does closing WINDWE analog switch (for Window mode) disconnect COMP1 non-inverting input from AS14 in the analog switch matrix?

Using the Cosmic IDE, I have the non-inverting input of COMP1 driven from PA4 by closing RI_AnalogSwitch_14 and RI_AnalogSwitch_0 and enabling RI_IOSwitch_3. I have COMP1 configured for COMP_Edge_Rising and the COMP1 interrupt is enabled. I see inter...

REdmo.1 by Associate III
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STM8S103 using GPIOB4 as normal GPIO

Hi all.I tried to use GPIOB4 as output but failed.But it works as I2C ​SCL so I guess the chip ok.I cant find alternate function for it.Someone please help me.​

DSmit.5 by Associate II
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STM8L050J3 wfe() wakeup using TIM2 timer.

Good morning. I've been trying for a while to put the MCU in low power with the wfe() instruction and wake it up with TIME2 but the MCU gets stuck in wfe() and doesn't wake up. With the debugger active it seems to work even if it doesn't respect the ...

GBran.2 by Associate II
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Any tips to solve this APPCRASH ntdll.dll error?

Hello,Problem opening the Programmer, I can't click on the Integrated Circuit icon.The error occurs almost always, eventually when reinstalling, once or twice the programmer window opens correctly. After giving this error, it does not open again and ...
