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Availability of previous Cosmic compiler versions?

Posted on December 04, 2015 at 12:05Hi thereWe've just come across a problem which may (not confirmed yet) relate to using a too-recent version of the Cosmic STM8 compiler. My binary works when compiled with 4.3.13, my colleague's does not when usin...

jro by Associate III
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Different binaries on different machines

Posted on June 07, 2016 at 15:00We are facing issue to generate the binaries for our target microcontroller. The details/settings are as below.Microcontroller - STM8AF6246ST Visual Develop - version 4.3.9Cosmic compiler - version 7.5.1Memory model -...

STM8L ADC DMA issues

Posted on June 01, 2016 at 20:52Hi,    I am running my ADC in continuous mode to sample multiple channels multiple times.  I am using DMA to transfer the data to RAM in circular mode.  I am seeing occasional corruptions of individual samples.  I als...

stm8s003 ic

Posted on June 02, 2016 at 12:44Hi,I'm trying to use the ST Visual Develop with the Cosmic st8 32k compiler.  I install everything and build the project.  That all works fine.  When I try to connect to the Discovery board with the debugger using Swi...

stm8s003 ic

Posted on June 02, 2016 at 12:42while debug the program i got this error so please help me Emulator reset (usb://usb)...  ** Connection error (usb://usb): swim error [30200]: st-link connection error -> Failed to connect target.

Failing to build the project in STVD

Posted on May 31, 2016 at 08:15Hello,I am using STVD for STM8 project. I am facing a build error for 'param_assert' function. I am attaching the image for it. I tried including the file 'stm8s_conf.h' but still error persists. Can anyone help me res...

ssk by Associate II
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STM8S003 125khz PWM not work

Posted on May 29, 2016 at 11:50Hi All,I have new application used STM8S003, The MCU using timer1 or timer2 to generator 125khz PWM, duty cycle is 50% with 8Mhz HSI clock source.- This is my code to initial time2:static void Timer2_Init(void){ //Rese...

hungtp by Associate
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how to create library and hide its symbols

Posted on May 17, 2016 at 16:56Hi All.When using the STM 32f407 board.I want to create a library at keil uvision,based purely ANSI C.i just want the user to have an api h file and the library ,when i want all the library functions and variables (and...

haukeye by Associate II
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Unable to clear I2C BUSY bit in STM8S-discovery

Posted on May 20, 2016 at 13:20 Unable to clear I2C BUSY bit in STM8S-discovery Hello Friends,  I have working experience of stm32f0xx microcontroller. But in case of stm8s003xx discovery board, I am stuck with a deadlock and am not able t...

raj by Associate
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