User Activity

Greetings, I'm using an STM32L496. I have a peripheral connected to PE11, which I have configured as an interrupt on the rising edge. I have another circuit connected to PA11, which is normally an input. So far no problem. In order to do a sel...
Greetings, I'm building an app for an STM32L496. I am trying to get the linker to calculate a CRC32 of the ROM image and place it in ROM. I've read a few technical notes on this, and I'm following the ARM example. The problem is I keep getting ...
Greetings! I am writing a small bootloader application on an STM32L496 that will copy an image from one location in flash to another. I have reserved a 256KB chunk of flash to hold the image. I created a region and section in the .icf file, and de...
Posted on July 02, 2018 at 19:13Hi,    I am working with an STM32L4.  I'm trying to put it into STANDBY mode, and wake it up using a WKUP pin.  The issue is that the first time I go to standby after POR, the system wakes up immediately, though I'm s...
Posted on June 13, 2018 at 02:52Greetings,    I have a program that is writing flash memory.  Everything is working fine, except for some reason the last 16 bytes of each page refuses to accept a write.  Every other location has no problem.  I don't...
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