2016-06-15 1:18 AM
A comparison of the 4 most important C implementations for the STM8 can be found at:
It uses the current (mid 2016) versions of all 4 compilers. Only aspects of the C implementation itself are compared (i.e. other aspects such as IDE integration are not). Here's the summary table from the comparison:Standard Compliance Code Speed Code Size OS Support License
Cosmic - o o - o
SDCC + - - + +
Raisonance - o + - -
IAR + + - - -
Philipp #cosmic-c-stvd-test2016-06-17 4:40 AM
The comparison was not done as carefully as it should have been wrt. Cosmic. I now reevaluated Cosmic C and added Cosmic benchmarks results when optimizing for size and speed.
The updated comparison can be found at the original link. The new summary table is:Standard Compliance Code Speed Code Size OS Support License
Cosmic o o o o o
SDCC + - - + +
Raisonance - o + - -
IAR + + - - -
2016-07-25 3:35 AM
I was notified that the default code space setting of the compilers other than Cosmic corresponds to Cosmic with +modsl0 option. So I redid the comparison, using +mosdl0 for Cosmic. This resulted in a very slight improvement of Cosmic code size and score.
has been updated accordingly. Philipp2016-08-12 11:07 AM
latest of my test... 2 groups
IAR for STM8 with STM8S103K3 :i think, it slower than STVD + COSMIC_Cfor set/reset periperial bit of mcuexample.. port of GPIOx->ODRCOSMIC_C use 2 clock of TIM1's CNTbut IAR use more than 6 clock O_o!(reference.. HSI 16 MHz,opt.. maximum speed of C compliersame simple code)so now..i use STVD + COSMIC_CFree and CooL..!!