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About the timer capture register.

If you read the capture register like this uint16_t capch;  capch=*((uint16_t*)&TIM2_CCR3H);This code will be compiled into an ldw instruction.The data is read incorrectly.The following code gives the correct result. uint16_t capch; ((ui...

EChep by Associate
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Unable to program STM8l052C6 using StLink.

Hello Respective,I am trying to flash STM8l052C6 using st link and stvd. But I am not able to flash it. Previously same controller same st link and same IDE was there I was able flash. but suddenly it stopped flashing.When trying to flash in new fre...

NPaba by Associate II
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How to measure input voltage in STM8l052C6 MCU?

Hello Respective,I am trying to measure the input voltage in STM8l052C6 controller but I am unable to do the same. I tried in STM8l152C6 in STMl discovery board and it's working fine there but not in STM8l052C6.I analysed one thing by my self is addr...

NPaba by Associate II
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Unable to execute HALT instruction in STM8l discovry.

Hello Respective,I am using STM8l discovery board and trying to put my controller in Sleep(HALT) for some time and waking up again when any external interrupt comes.Previously the code was working fine, but now it's not working as expected.I am using...

NPaba by Associate II
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Resolved! STM8S Write Flash Memory Issue

Hi guys,I want to write data to the flash memory of the Stm8s003f3p6 processor. I can read / write to this processor's eeprom. But I can read the flash memory, but I can't write it. I write my codes with "IAR Embedded Workbench for STM8". I check the...

Hi world! by Associate III
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How to count PWM Pulse coming on GPIO?

Hi, I am a newbie in writing code on MCU's.I am using STM8S003K3 with which several fan controllers are attached on different GPIO. I need to count PWM pulse whenever it comes on any port and then identify the pin no of that port. How to count pulse ...

RPriy by Associate II
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stm8l lcd setting

HOW to code this table?void LCD_GLASS_Init(void) { /* The LCD is configured as follow: - clock source = LSE (32.768 KHz) - Voltage source = Internal - Prescaler = 2 - Divider = 18 (16 + 2) - Mode = 1/8 Duty, 1/4 Bias ...


Resolved! STM8 HSE

Hi,I am testing an application, and currently is working properly with HSI configured to 16MHz.Now I want to enable the HSE.I am using a NUCLEO-8S208RB. I have soldered an external crystal on X2, and i have configured the board with 12pF capacitors a...

ACogl by Associate III
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STVD workspace location limitation?

I wish to use STVD to set up a new workspace on a mapped common drive but it whereas I can see and go to a mapped drive with the Atmel IDE etc the STVD IDE doesnt appear to recognise it. Is this a known limitation or something I am doing wrong?

BCowa by Associate II
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