The program can't enter into uart1_rx_interrupt
I have initialized the uart1,but the code can't enter into function for theINTERRUPT_HANDLER(USART1_RX_TIM5_CC_IRQHandler,28)
I have initialized the uart1,but the code can't enter into function for theINTERRUPT_HANDLER(USART1_RX_TIM5_CC_IRQHandler,28)
Hi there,I am developing code for STM8L1528 EVAL board. My goal is to configure adc with dma(peripheral to memory) where adc should collect data for certain period, for example, 2 seconds.So I configured adc and dma according to examples codes given....
I configure the portB 4,5,6,7 as external interrupt pins. the program is working well if any interrupt occurs in portb 4,5,6,7 the execution send to irq. how to find which pin irq is occured in portbplease give the solution to my problem
Hello.I'm trying to set Option bytes on STM8s005k6 from main code, but still I'm getting error in complementary bytes (when I try to rad out it back in STVP) and MCU hangs.I'm using SDCC compiler with this code: // Set option bytes because of buzzer ...
Hello sirI am use stm8s for measuring voltage rmsSo i use adc but how to calculate when adc interrupt are comingI Aattched initiation code in this posti try to calculate adc interrupt time but when i measure it is wrongPlz provide guidance how ...
已�?�?�建好低功耗模�?,从�?�机模�?唤醒�?�在HSI 2MHz�?行,查询方�?�?�采集ADC模拟电压数�?�,实测�?�机模�?<45uA,唤醒�?�功耗<210uA; 问题:现�?�现使用AC120/60Hz�??供DC3.3V 500uA供电电�?时,产�?一直工作在�?�?状�?�?�?�动;
I am able to send and receive Data by polling method but i am not able to receive.
Hi,here incoming data will be in the below format and on its basis i have done usart initialization for STM8AL3168 on required 9600 baud rate.void USART1_Init(void) { UART_DeInitialization(USART1); // Remap USART1 to Port A SYSCFG_REMAPPinConfig...
First off, I would really like to thank everyone in the community for being so great. Second, I would really like to thank anyone who is willing to take a few minutes to read this post and answer my hopefully quick question. I am having a difficult t...