I am trying to set the PORT E pins 1 and 2 (PE1 and PE2) as Output .When i am writing High on it, I am only getting 500mv and Low as 0v.There is no external push-pull circuitry involved.Let me know your comments.
STVD AND cosmicI WANT TO calculate Thermistor temperature, but did not find a log funnction
1, //while(GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOD, R6_GPIO_PINS) == 0) count_++;will the time counter work?when i using time capture, sometime 3.0 or 2.45 rising happened
Hello everyone,Is it possible, without using third-party programs, to calculate the largest stack consumption of the non-recursive function by free STM8 tools based on SDCC?Thanks in advance.
Dear Community Members,I recently started my venture with STM8S Micro-controller. I bought an STM8S103F3P6 Chip. The very first thing i want to understand is Clock Control of the MCU. Therefore i set the MCU to HSE 16MHz. Although I wanted to see if ...
please look the sch, my mate did not find the issue, so indeed need your help!