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2017 STM8 Wish List

ST Employee

Posted on January 05, 2017 at 15:21

2017 STM8 Wish List

Dear Community Members & STM8 funs,

BEST WISHES for the New Year!!!

0690X00000605pUQAQ.pngAs done for the STM32 Community

, and to satisfy STM8 users who want to express their STM8 related expectations (like

 who already started it in 

:( we would like to hear you and gather all wishes here. So please keep us informed on:

  • what you need to make STM8 products more useful for you?
  • what has to be improved on our side?
  • ...

Again, feel free to express all your expectations!


To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

Associate II
Posted on January 06, 2017 at 09:57

I'll copy my previous words, just in case.

  • Start supporting sdcc development. This is the only (working) opensource compiler for stm8. And when I say 'opensource' I mean 'no license limitation on use, code size, optimization or time expiration; works on linux, win and mac; anyone can participate in development (if wants)'. It's shame, that ST is ignoring chance to get reasonable C compiler in such low cost.
  • Open st-link and st-linkv2 USB-to-SWIM communication protocol. This will help to improve opensource flashing tools (


  • It would be nice to have possibility to debug stm8 code not only on windows®, but other OSes too. AFAIK ST uses gdb, so with opened stlink protocol specs and gdb sources it's just matter of time to make this reality.
  • Get more examples and apnotes. Examples should be with code (prefer direct registers use, not only SPL) and it's explanation. Special cases and different situations should be viewed too.

Posted on January 06, 2017 at 15:14

Same as with STM32: provide peripheral registers' bitfield values in the device headers, please.

Philipp Krause
Senior II
Posted on January 08, 2017 at 15:35

IMO, the STM8 is a really nice architecture for low-end microcontrollers. And it makes a good target for C compilers (at least for the lower 64K adress space). Thats a clear advantage over some other other 8-bitters, such as 8051-derivatives and PICmicro. The STM8 might be able to take some market share from those if its weaknesses are eliminated; I'd like to see:

* STM8s with network peripherals, to make STM8 viable for IoT use

* STM8s with USB peripherals, to make STM8 viable for use in USB devices

* Better support in free software such as SDCC


Posted on January 09, 2017 at 14:58

I would love to see a well supported free compiler for the STM8 (preferably SDCC). I know Cosmic, but even if it is free they only give a year long license, and who knows if one day will change their minds and stop this.

A good compiler could not came without proper debugging support. I would love to see a recent GDB release supporting this architecture.

And at the I would like to have a good, modern integrated development enviroment (with debugging support, autocomplete, refactoring) to take these things under one umbrella. Like Texas's Code Composer Studio or MPLAB X. Unfortunately STVD is a joke compared to them. A really, really bad joke...

Posted on January 09, 2017 at 15:43

I wish the same as other said above:

- Free C compiler (SDCC would be great)

- GDB based debugger

- Recent QtCreator/Netbeans/Eclipse CDT based IDE.

Associate II
Posted on January 12, 2017 at 09:58

I have another one wish. I wish ST has support engineer or someone who would answer the questions like those:


Where are ST officials?

Bertrand PICARD
Associate II
Posted on January 19, 2017 at 12:45

Hi everybody !

Sorry for my english, I'm French !

I'm a new STM8 user. I use many ST7 (ST72264G2) but the bad news from ST is that family will end 2017-12-16 !

So I need to replace ST7 by STM8. I have 12 designs written in assembler and my wish will be to know where can i find examples written in assember. All STM8 examples are written in C ! Many thanks in advance... B.PICARD

Hussein Jabbari
Posted on March 27, 2017 at 16:33


I use STM8 device and I found some missing feature:

1- ADC : A) in most STM8s there is no VREF Pin to pull reference voltage to it B) We can't use in 8bit mode for lower resolutions (like AVR chips) C) A temp sensor can be helpful D)There is no differential mode to use

2- GPIO : A) Some IOs have not pull up or with lower feature(For example I2C pins) other chips Like AVR has all features but noted to don't use them when I2C used.I mean STM8 must have all abilities and let the user to enable or disable it

3- CAP : I hate to use Cap for internal regulator.please remove it like stm32 use a pin too


4- I2C : Using I2C in STM8 chips is so hard unlike STM32 and write sequence is so complicated and need to write so many Code to use it

4- my wish list : RTC , some general purpose register like RISC chips,produce some chips in DIP package to help teaching beginners without soldering

Associate III
Posted on April 02, 2017 at 08:48

I wish ST makes a software like StmCube (for Stm32) for STM8 series too !

it really makes project building faster and easier for developers.

Second wish is ST makes HAL libraries ! usable for STM8 too !!!

yes, same libraries for STM8 ( you make it compatible in lower layers ... ), imagine we can port STM32 projects too STM8 ! of course light projects which can be run on STM8 and it's peripherals too.

That's too much importantfor mass production, even a cent is important, there are some projects running which doesn't really need ARM 32bit performance, so STM8 can be replaced but we should completely change the code which is written with HAL libraries ...

many stuffs like smart water, gas and even electricity meters which production quantity is huge doesn't need CPU performance as much as STM8 be not able to handle.

I hope you make a solution for this suggestions.