2022-06-03 5:19 AM
We would like to use the STM32CubeProgrammer API to connect to multiple targets in parallel and program OTP, flash, option bytes etc. Each ST-Link is handled by a separate process.
The problem is, that after connecting in direct (non-shared) mode to the 1st ST-Link, the 2nd process is unable to list the rest of them, the getStLinkList function returns with 0.
If the shared mode is enabled, then the 2nd process can only see the ST-Link that is already used by the 1st process.
Is this a limitation of the library, or are we doing something wrong?
2022-06-03 5:36 AM
I don't think the people working on this stuff consider scaling.
I'd perhaps suggest learning SWD/JTAG operation via open source resources, or look at commercial orientated programmers and libraries to solve these things yourself.
For low cost, high scale, consider banks of MCU driving ROM boot-loader methods in to Target MCUs. For large images, multi minute programming cycles, consider "slip stream" methods.