2023-08-10 10:46 PM
Hi, I have a problem about upload program. I make size photocell with STM32F030F4P6 MCU. After I set hardware and software, I can not upload programming to MCU. I try to upload programming with ST-LİNK V2. And writing problem at console. Error is that ;
Target no device found
Error in initializing ST-LINK device.
Reason: No device found on target.
What can I do?I control connection pinout. Coming 3.3V and connection pinouts is correct. Please Can you give advice?
Thank you.
2023-08-11 12:59 AM
Welcome @NİHAT_EEE, to the community!
Is your ST-LINK/V2 in a colourful metal box?
2023-08-11 1:41 AM
do you have any other STM board or discovery board , to test : connect and working with CubeProgrammer ?
2023-08-11 1:46 AM
Yes, it is colourful metal box.
2023-08-11 1:50 AM
Yes, I try cube programmer and ST-link V2 at breadboard. İt is working both of them.
2023-08-11 2:15 AM
so on your breadboard its ok, you can program the cpu ?
then you have some bad or wrong connection to your target board.
boot0 low ?
connect mode : " software reset "
2023-08-11 7:48 AM
I dont use crystal my target board. I just use stm32f030f4p6 MCU. İt is not modüle.