2019-10-31 06:30 AM
Just like the title says: the STM32CubeProgrammers IDE V2.2 does not start on my pc. When I click to execute, I briefly see the program loading and then the splash screen disappears and nothing happens. No tasks running either in task manager. I also tried changing settings, like running in administrator mode, and change compatability modes. This is executed on a Windows 10 pc.
I tried searching for possible solutions, and I see things about JDK's etc, but never really why the IDE does not start and how to solve it.
2019-11-01 04:47 AM
For everyone interested in a solution: I found it.
First of all download and install a specific version of Java (usually stated by the installer, but because I had another version already installed it didn't). Make sure you install this version in the x86 directory. Then also install the STM32CubeProgrammer tool in the same x86 directory. Now it works!