2019-06-24 12:33 AM
I designed a usb to UART plug in board on which I like to program my board through STM32F302CC's UART1.
If I push the connect button on STm32 Cubeprogrammer IDE(ver 2.1.0) I get the next messages
08:20:49 : Serial Port COM3 is successfully opened.
08:20:49 : Port configuration: parity = even, baudrate = 115200, data-bit = 8, stop-bit = 1.0, flow-control = off
08:20:50 : Activating device: OK
08:20:50 : Chip ID: 0x422
08:20:50 : BootLoader protocol version: 3.1
08:20:50 : Response received from device: NACK
08:20:50 : Error: GETID command not acknowledged!
08:20:50 : Reemission of GetID command
08:20:54 : Timeout error occured while waiting for acknowledgement.
08:20:54 : Error: GETID command not acknowledged!
08:20:54 : Reemission of GetID command
08:20:54 : Response received from device: NACK
08:20:54 : Error: GETID command not acknowledged!
08:20:54 : Reemission of GetID command
08:20:54 : Response received from device: NACK
08:20:54 : Error: GETID command not acknowledged!
08:20:54 : Response received from device: NACK
08:20:54 : Error: GETID command not acknowledged!
08:20:54 : Reemission of GetID command
08:20:54 : Response received from device: NACK
08:20:54 : Error: GETID command not acknowledged!
08:20:54 : Reemission of GetID command
08:20:54 : Response received from device: NACK
08:20:54 : Error: GETID command not acknowledged!
I tried it with FT232R(FTDICHIP) USB /UART bridge, it works fine
I tried the older STMFlashLoader_demo.exe ver 2.9 RC4 with MCP2200 USB/UART bridge, but I got the same result
Have you got any solution for MCP2200? I did't find any info about what kind of USB /UART bridge supported by STM32 Cubeprogrammer.
I use 64 bit win7
Thanks in advance
2019-12-11 5:07 AM
Did you resolve this issue?
2019-12-11 6:40 AM
Doing something odd. You'd need to use a scope or logic analyzer to determine what with the nature of the signalling is wrong.
Not much point in guessing.
2020-06-08 12:55 PM
Did you find a solution ?
I have the same error with STM32L010F4P & MCP2200 & STM32CubeProgrammer 2.4.0