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I designed a usb to UART plug in board on which I like to program my board through STM32F302CC's UART1. If I push the connect button on STm32 Cubeprogrammer IDE(ver 2.1.0) I get the next messages08:20:49 : Serial Port COM3 is successfully opened.08:...
Posted on April 04, 2016 at 09:50Dear Madam, Sir,Would You inform me about the type of crystal what SPSGRF board uses.I have developed and manufactured 250pcs Spirit1 boards with this crystals.
Posted on May 14, 2014 at 19:25Hi, My Interesting is the next, how can I use Spirit1 Auto retransmission and auto ack abilities in half duplex communication. My coordinator is supplied with main power, but nodes are powered by alkaline batteries. Th...