2023-01-04 6:30 AM
Hello everyone,
I have made a custom board with STM32L072CBT6. All works fine when i use my board and program her with STLink.
I would try to program my board through USB, to do that i have a uUSB connector on my board connected to my uC.
To flash, i use STM32CubeProgrammer.
1 - I succeed to detected my bootloader on my peripheral (press reset and boot0 button)
2 - I succeed to acces to my board through USB with STM32CubeProgrammer
3 - I chose my .elf file to download and when i try to download, i have this folling error :
15:24:46 : Error: Write failed at address: 0x8001000
15:24:46 : Error: failed to download Segment[0]
15:24:46 : Error: failed to download the File
"Write failed address" change when i try multiple time to download and sometimes it's works.
Do you have advice help my about this problem ?
Thanks for your help,
Best regards,
2023-01-05 2:31 AM
I have test on an other PC with the same board and the same cable and same software. And no problem meet during download. So for this moment i investigate to understand what can cause this problem on my PC.
If you have advice, i'm intresting.
Best regards,